Dash Primed in Featherfill G2

Progress? What? Yes! Not much, but at least it’s something.  I did a tiny bit of filler work on the dash to smooth out some imperfections. Some were damage, but most was factory uglies! Probably not something that would show, but I smoothed it out anyway. Topped with some Featherfill G2. Will smooth that later,… Continue reading Dash Primed in Featherfill G2

K36 Wet Sanded

I was agonizing over how long I should let the K36 urethane primer cure before I started wet-sanding with 400 grit. I wanted to wait two weeks, even though the product is designed to be sanded the next day. I waited one week and was tempted to get started, but then something came up that… Continue reading K36 Wet Sanded

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