Priming the Body!

After many hours of work on that pesky drivers side quarter panel, it was FINALLY ready to apply some high-build primer to the rest of the body. High quality Evercoat (Rage Gold and Rage Extreme) fillers have been used for all the filler work and were blocked out with a combination of different Durablocks and… Continue reading Priming the Body!

Some Primer

Time to put some primer on the firewall, door jambs, and the dash… stuff easier done while the body is still on the rotisserie. I used PPG DPLF primer.

Floor Painted

So the floor is finally DONE! No more patches to do, and all the welds have been covered with Duraglass and sanded smooth. New seam sealer was also applied.? Since the whole floor was treated with Picklex-20, I scuffed it before spraying with red oxide Zero-Rust to ensure good adhesion. I also discovered that a… Continue reading Floor Painted

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