Drivers Side Quarter Panel Patch

Finally got around to installing the quarter panel patch. This time I had double the experience with butt-welding than when I started the other side (experience of one, instead of zero), so this one went together a little better and quicker.

Wheel House Rust Repair

The passenger side wheel house lip had some small rust holes in it.. nothing bad, but they were perforated pretty much the whole length, so the proper way to repair this was obviously a new patch, rather than trying to weld up each hole, or doing something half-ass like filling the holes with seam sealer.… Continue reading Wheel House Rust Repair

Rear Body Mounts

Since I can’t get the body mounted to the rotisserie until the rusted out rear body mounts are fixed, I tackled that job the other day to find that it will be much easier than original thought. I cut open the rear facing side of the brace near the mount to see that there is… Continue reading Rear Body Mounts